Totally pointless and inane language curiosities I've been pondering...
When a person is unmarried they're called single. So why isn't the married
person called double? A conversation might sound like this, "Oh, I was single last time we talked, but now I'm double." Maybe we're afraid it'll just make us sound fat.
A person who has had a great night's sleep will say, "I slept like a baby." Hmmm. Everyone who has ever slept in the same house as a baby is clued-in to the fact
that babies wake up every couple of hours to either pee, poop, eat, vomit, or watch the HSN.
Sleeping like a baby sounds like a pretty rough night to me. I vote to
change that one too. How about "Good morning honey, I feel great! I slept like a
drunk." Now there's a solid, undisturbed, who-cares-if-I-peed-in-my-pants, sleep.
drunk." Now there's a solid, undisturbed, who-cares-if-I-peed-in-my-pants, sleep.
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